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Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Emas: Waspadai Psikologis 1800

Monexnews - Harga emas masih melaju hari ini. Kegagalan menembus 1760 sempat mengecewakan investor jual. Pemecahan ke atas 1788 kemarin tidak mengejutkan di tengah pelemahan USD. Formasi atas jangka pendek masih belum tertutup. Jika mampu bertahan di atas 1780, kemungkinan menuju 1797-1804 masih terbuka. Hanya bila melampaui 1804 dengan penutupan di atas level mingguan, maka perpanjangan rally terkonfirmasi. Kami masih memperkirakan kisaran 1797-1804 akan menentukan adanya penguatan baru. Namun trader komersil masih memegang posisi jual bersih seraya mewaspadai pergerakan ke level 1800. Support intraday berada di 1780,1770 dan 1755-1760. Jatuh ke bawah 1755, target 1736 kami akan terpenuhi. Salam trading!

Disclaimer : This commentary above is written for general information only. No liability by the writers, publisher or any third party for the accuracy of this commentary.Trade at your own risk.

Emas: Waspadai Psikologis 1800

Wave Personality (lesson 7)

The idea of wave personality is a substantial expansion of the Wave Principle. It has the advantages of bringing human behavior more personally into the equation and even more important, of enhancing the utility of standard technical analysis. The personality of each wave in the Elliott sequence is an integral part of the reflection of the mass psychology it embodies. The progression of mass emotions from pessimism to optimism and back again tends to follow a similar path each time around, producing similar circumstances at corresponding points in the wave structure. 

The personality of each wave type is usually manifest whether the wave is of Grand Supercycle degree or Subminuette. These properties not only forewarn the analyst about what to expect in the next sequence but at times can help determine one's present location in the progression of waves, when for other reasons the count is unclear or open to differing interpretations. As waves are in the process of unfolding, there are times when several different wave counts are perfectly admissible under all known Elliott rules. It is at these junctures that a knowledge of wave personality can be invaluable. If the analyst recognizes the character of a single wave, he can often correctly interpret the complexities of the larger pattern. The following discussions relate to an underlying bull market picture, as illustrated in Figures 2-14 and 2-15. These observations apply in reverse when the actionary waves are downward and the reactionary waves are upward.
Figure 2-14

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


Elliott used volume as a tool for verifying wave counts and in projecting extensions. He recognized that in any bull market, volume has a natural tendency to expand and contract with the speed of price change. Late in a corrective phase, a decline in volume often indicates a decline in selling pressure. A low point in volume often coincides with a turning point in the market. In normal fifth waves below Primary degree, volume tends to be less than in third waves. If volume in an advancing fifth wave of less than Primary degree is equal to or greater than that in the third wave, an extension of the fifth is in force. While this outcome is often to be expected anyway if the first and third waves are about equal in length, it is an excellent warning of those rare times when both a third and a fifth wave are extended.
At Primary degree and greater, volume tends to be higher in an advancing fifth wave merely because of the natural long term growth in the number of participants in bull markets. Elliott noted, in fact, that volume at the terminal point of a bull market above Primary degree tends to run at an all-time high. Finally, as discussed earlier, volume often spikes briefly at points of throw-over at the peak of fifth waves, whether at a trend channel line or the terminus of a diagonal triangle. (Upon occasion, such points can occur simultaneously, as when a diagonal triangle fifth wave terminates right at the upper parallel of the channel containing the price action of one larger degree.) In addition to these few valuable observations, we have expanded upon the importance of volume in various sections of this course.

The "Right Look"
The overall appearance of a wave must conform to the appropriate illustration. Although any five-wave sequence can be forced into a three-wave count by labeling the first three subdivisions as one wave "A" as shown in Figure 2-13, it is incorrect to do so. The Elliott system would break down if such contortions were allowed. A long wave three with the end of wave four terminating well above the top of wave one must be classified as a five-wave sequence. Since wave A in this hypothetical case is composed of three waves, wave B would be expected to drop to about the start of wave A, as in a flat correction, which it clearly does not. While the internal count of a wave is a guide to its classification, the right overall shape is, in turn, often a guide to its correct internal count. 

Figure 2-13
The "right look" of a wave is dictated by all the considerations we have outlined so far in the first two chapters. In our experience, we have found it extremely dangerous to allow our emotional involvement with the market to let us accept wave counts that reflect disproportionate wave relationships or misshapen patterns merely on the basis that the Wave Principle's patterns are somewhat elastic.

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Emas: $1800 Tinggal Menunggu Waktu

Monexnews - Harga emas masih terpantau kuat di awal pekan (27/04). Kombinasi antara sentimen investor dan minat safe haven telah memperkuat posisi logam. 

Tensi politik tinggi di Iran dan Syaria membuat investor cemas dan mengalihkan aset ke emas. Spot emas kini terpantau di $1,775.40 per troy ounce atau naik $1.80 dibanding level penutupan sebelumnya, dan menguat 3.1% ketimbang level pembukaan hari Senin.

Di tengah sentimen positif, traders dan analis memperkirakan harga berpeluang melampaui $1,800 dalam waktu dekat. "Level penting berikutnya ada di high bulan November lalu, $1,800," ulas Mitsui Global Precious Metals dalam hasil penelitiannya. Traders menetapkan support kuat di sekitar $1,750, seraya menyebut aksi beli di Asia akan menjaga emas di atas level itu dalam waktu dekat.

Emas: Overbought Picu Koreksi

Monexnews - Harga emas masih menguat namun indikator 'overbought' membatasi momentum kenaikan. Setiap penembusan ke atas cenderung temporer dan kemungkinan koreksi justru terbuka lebar. Hambatan pada pola kenaikan di time frame kecil mendukung prediksi ini. Jika diperdagangkan ke bawah 1772, maka akan membuka jalan minimum ke 1765 dengan potensi koreksi lebih lanjut menuju 1749-1752 dan 1734-1736. Resistance intraday terletak di 1780, 1788 dan 1795-1797. Kami berpendapat bahwa emas akan berbalik turun. Salam Trading!

Penulis: EW Benny - Analis Teknikal yang berbasis di Dublin, Irlandia

Disclaimer : This commentary above is written for general information only.No liability by the writers, publisher or any third party for the accuracy of this commentary.Trade at your own risk.

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

More Guidelines

The larger the degree, the more necessary a semilog scale usually becomes. On the other hand, the virtually perfect channels that were formed by the 1921-1929 market on semilog scale (see Figure 2-11) and the 1932-1937 market on arithmetic scale (see Figure 2-12) indicate that waves of the same degree will form the correct Elliott trend channel only when plotted selectively on the appropriate scale. On arithmetic scale, the 1920s bull market accelerates beyond the upper boundary, while on semilog scale the 1930s bull market falls far short of the upper boundary. Aside from this difference in channeling, these two waves of Cycle dimension are surprisingly similar: they create nearly the same multiples in price (six times and five times respectively), they both contain extended fifth waves, and the peak of the third wave is the same percentage gain above the bottom in each case. The essential difference between the two bull markets is the shape and time length of each individual subwave.

Figure 2-11
Figure 2-12

At most, we can state that the necessity for semilog scale indicates a wave that is in the process of acceleration, for whatever mass psychological reasons. Given a single price objective and a specific length of time allotted, anyone can draw a satisfactory hypothetical Elliott Wave channel from the same point of origin on both arithmetic and semilog scale by adjusting the slope of the waves to fit. Thus, the question of whether to expect a parallel channel on arithmetic or semilog scale is still unresolved as far as developing a definite tenet on the subject. If the price development at any point does not fall neatly within two parallel lines on the scale (either arithmetic or semilog) you are using, switch to the other scale in order to observe the channel in correct perspective. To stay on top of all developments, the analyst should always use both.

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Channeling Technique

Elliott noted that parallel trend channels typically mark the upper and lower boundaries of impulse waves, often with dramatic precision. The analyst should draw them in advance to assist in determining wave targets and provide clues to the future development of trends.
The initial channeling technique for an impulse requires at least three reference points. When wave three ends, connect the points labeled "1" and "3," then draw a parallel line touching the point labeled "2," as shown in Figure 2-8. This construction provides an estimated boundary for wave four. (In most cases, third waves travel far enough that the starting point is excluded from the final channel's touch points.)
Figure 2-8 

If the fourth wave ends at a point not touching the parallel, you must reconstruct the channel in order to estimate the boundary for wave five. First connect the ends of waves two and four. If waves one and three are normal, the upper parallel most accurately forecasts the end of wave five when drawn touching the peak of wave three, as in Figure 2-9. If wave three is abnormally strong, almost vertical, then a parallel drawn from its top may be too high. Experience has shown that a parallel to the baseline that touches the top of wave one is then more useful, as in the illustration of the rise in the price of gold bullion from August 1976 to March 1977 (see Figure 6-12). In some cases, it may be useful to draw both potential upper boundary lines to alert you to be especially attentive to the wave count and volume characteristics at those levels and then take appropriate action as the wave count warrants.
Figure 2-9
Figure 6-12

Within parallel channels and the converging lines of diagonal triangles, if a fifth wave approaches its upper trendline on declining volume, it is an indication that the end of the wave will meet or fall short of it. If volume is heavy as the fifth wave approaches its upper trendline, it indicates a possible penetration of the upper line, which Elliott called "throw-over." Near the point of throw-over, a fourth wave of small degree may trend sideways immediately below the parallel, allowing the fifth then to break it in a final gust of volume.

Throw-overs are occasionally telegraphed by a preceding "throw-under," either by wave 4 or by wave two of 5, as suggested by the drawing shown as Figure 2-10. They are confirmed by an immediate reversal back below the line. Throw-overs also occur, with the same characteristics, in declining markets. 

Elliott correctly warned that throw-overs at large degrees cause difficulty in identifying the waves of smaller degree during the throw-over, as smaller degree channels are sometimes penetrated on the upside by the final fifth wave. Examples of throw-overs shown earlier in this course can be found in Figures 1-17 and 1-19.
Figure 2-10

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Channeling (lesson 6)

Wave Equality

One of the guidelines of the Wave Principle is that two of the motive waves in a five-wave sequence will tend toward equality in time and magnitude. This is generally true of the two non-extended waves when one wave is an extension, and it is especially true if the third wave is the extension. If perfect equality is lacking, a .618 multiple is the next likely relationship (the use of ratios is covered in Lessons 16-25).

When waves are larger than Intermediate degree, the price relationships usually must be stated in percentage terms. Thus, within the entire extended Cycle wave advance from 1942 to 1966, we find that Primary wave [1] traveled 120 points, a gain of 129%, in 49 months, while Primary wave [5] traveled 438 points, a gain of 80% (.618 times the 129% gain), in 40 months (see Figure 5-3), far different from the 324% gain of the third Primary wave, which lasted 126 months.

When the waves are of Intermediate degree or less, the price equality can usually be stated in arithmetic terms, since the percentage lengths will also be nearly equivalent. Thus, in the year-end rally of 1976, we find that wave 1 traveled 35.24 points in 47 market hours while wave 5 traveled 34.40 points in 47 market hours. The guideline of equality is often extremely accurate.

Charting the Waves

A. Hamilton Bolton always kept an "hourly close" chart, i.e., one showing the end-of-hour prices, as do the authors. Elliott himself certainly followed the same practice, since in The Wave Principle he presents an hourly chart of stock prices from February 23 to March 31, 1938. Every Elliott Wave practitioner, or anyone interested in the Wave Principle, will find it instructive and useful to plot the hourly fluctuations of the DJIA, which are published by The Wall Street JournalBarron's. and It is a simple task that requires only a few minutes' work a week. Bar charts are fine but can be misleading by revealing fluctuations that occur near the time changes for each bar but not those that occur within the time for the bar. Actual print figures must be used on all plots. The so-called "opening" and "theoretical intraday" figures published for the Dow averages are statistical inventions that do not reflect the averages at any particular moment. Respectively, these figures represent a sum of the opening prices, which can occur at different times, and of the daily highs or lows of each individual stock in the average regardless of the time of day each extreme occurs.

The foremost aim of wave classification is to determine where prices are in the stock market's progression. This exercise is easy as long as the wave counts are clear, as in fast-moving, emotional markets, particularly in impulse waves, when minor movements generally unfold in an uncomplicated manner. In these cases, short term charting is necessary to view all subdivisions. However, in lethargic or choppy markets, particularly in corrections, wave structures are more likely to be complex and slow to develop. In these cases, longer term charts often effectively condense the action into a form that clarifies the pattern in progress. With a proper reading of the Wave Principle, there are times when sideways trends can be forecasted (for instance, for a fourth wave when wave two is a zigzag). Even when anticipated, though, complexity and lethargy are two of the most frustrating occurrences for the analyst. Nevertheless, they are part of the reality of the market and must be taken into account. The authors highly recommend that during such periods you take some time off from the market to enjoy the fruits of your hard work. You can't "wish" the market into action; it isn't listening. When the market rests, do the same.

The correct method for tracking the stock market is to use semilogarithmic chart paper, since the market's history is sensibly related only on a percentage basis. The investor is concerned with percentage gain or loss, not the number of points traveled in a market average. For instance, ten points in the DJIA in 1980 meant nothing, a one percent move. In the early 1920s, ten points meant a ten percent move, quite a bit more important. For ease of charting, however, we suggest using semilog scale only for long term plots, where the difference is especially noticeable. Arithmetic scale is quite acceptable for tracking hourly waves since a 300 point rally with the DJIA at 5000 is not much different in percentage terms from a 300 point rally with the DJIA at 6000. Thus, channeling techniques work acceptably well on arithmetic scale with shorter term moves.

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Wave Extensions

Example #4: The 1974 Bear Market Low
The final decline into 1974, ending the 1966-1974 Cycle degree wave IV correction of the entire wave III rise from 1942, brought the averages down to the area of the previous fourth wave of lesser degree (Primary wave[ 4]). Again, Figure 5-3 shows what happened. 

Our analysis of small degree wave sequences over the last twenty years further validates the proposition that the usual limitation of any bear market is the travel area of the preceding fourth wave of one lesser degree, particularly when the bear market in question is itself a fourth wave. However, in a clearly reasonable modification of the guideline, it is often the case that if the first second wave in a sequence extends, the correction following the fifth wave will have as a typical limit the bottom of the wave of lesser degree. For example, the decline into March 1978 in the DJIA bottomed exactly at the low of the second wave in March 1975, which followed an extended first wave off the December 1974 low.

On occasion, flat corrections or triangles, particularly those following extensions (see Example #3), will barely fail to reach into the fourth wave area. Zigzags, on occasion, will cut deeply and move down into the area of the second wave of lesser degree, although this almost exclusively occurs when the zigzags are themselves second waves. "Double bottoms" are sometimes formed in this manner. 

Behavior Following Fifth Wave Extensions

The most important empirically derived rule that can be distilled from our observations of market behavior is that when the fifth wave of an advance is an extension, the ensuing correction will be sharp and find support at the level of the low of wave two of the extension. Sometimes the correction will end there, as illustrated in Figure 2-6. Although a limited number of real life examples exist, the precision with which "A" waves have reversed at the level of the low of wave two of the preceding fifth wave extension is remarkable. 

Figure 2-7 is an illustration involving an expanded flat correction. (For future reference, please make a note of two real-life examples that we will show in charts of upcoming lessons. An example involving a zigzag can be found in Figure 5-3 at the low of wave [a] of II, and an example involving an expanded flat can be found in Figure 2-16 at the low of wave a of A of 4. As you will see in Figure 5-3, wave A of (IV) bottoms near wave (2) of [5], which is an extension within wave V from 1921 to 1929.)

Since the low of the second wave of an extension is commonly in or near the price territory of the immediately preceding fourth wave of one larger degree, this guideline implies behavior similar to that for the preceding guideline. It is notable for its precision, however. Additional value is provided by the fact that fifth wave extensions are typically followed by swift retracements. Their occurrence, then, is an advance warning of a dramatic reversal to a specific level, a powerful combination of knowledge. This guideline does not apply separately to fifth wave extensions of fifth wave extensions.

Figure 2-6 Figure 2-7

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Forecasting Corrective Waves

Depth of Corrective Waves (Bear Market Limitations)  No market approach other than the Wave Principle gives as satisfactory an answer to the question, "How far down can a bear market be expected to go?" The primary guideline is that corrections, especially when they themselves are fourth waves, tend to register their maximum retracement within the span of travel of the previous fourth wave of one lesser degree, most commonly near the level of its terminus.
Example #1: The 1929-1932 Bear Market
The chart of stock prices adjusted to constant dollars developed by the Foundation for the Study of Cycles shows a contracting triangle as wave (IV). Its lows bottom within the area of the previous fourth wave of Cycle degree, an expanding triangle (see chart below).
Example #2: The 1942 Bear Market Low
In this case, the Cycle degree wave II bear market from 1937 to 1942, a zigzag, terminates within the area of Primary wave [4] of the bull market from 1932 to 1937 (see Figure 5-3).
Figure 5-3
Example #3: The 1962 Bear Market Low
The wave [4] plunge in 1962 brought the averages down to just above the 1956 high of the five-wave Primary sequence from 1949 to 1959. Ordinarily, the bear would have reached into the zone of wave (4), the fourth wave correction within wave [3]. This narrow miss nevertheless illustrates why this guideline is not a rule. The preceding strong third wave extension and the shallow A wave and strong B wave within [4] indicated strength in the wave structure, which carried over into the moderate net depth of the correction (see Figure 5-3).

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

EUR/USD: Raih 1.3217, Potensial Bidik 1.3260 – 1.3313

Kamis, 2 Februari 2012 11:32 WIB

Monexnews - EUR/USD mengalami rebound yang valid kemarin sehingga bias intraday berubah menjadi bullish. Akselerasi ke atas 1.3217 diperkirakan akan memicu pergerakan bullish lanjutan hingga ke kisaran 1.3260 – 1.3313.

Di sisi lain, kondisi overbought saat ini terlihat pada stochastic dan CCI 1 jam sehingga menaikkan ekspektasi koreksi hingga ke support di 1.3143. Koreksi mungkin saja berlanjut hingga ke kisaran 1.3098 – 1.3143 namun bias masih akan tetap bullish selama support di 1.3098 bertahan. Dengan demikian, kita akan mencoba untuk mencari sinyal bullish di kisaran 1.3098 – 1.3143. Skenario bullish ini akan batal jika support di 1.3098 tembus. Jika itu terjadi, bias akan berubah menjadi bearish dan Euro kemungkinan akan melemah hingga 1.3204.

(Eko Trijuni)

FB Untuk Facebook, Siap IPO

Kamis, 2 Februari 2012 7:26 WIB

Monexnews - Facebook telah melakukan aksinya yang banyak dinanti oleh banyak pelaku pasar dengan mendapatkan lampu hijau dari Securities and Exchange Commission untuk IPO yang akan dilakukan. “Kami sering membicarakan mengenai penemuan seperti printing press dan televise”, dikatakan Zuckerberg dalam sebuah pernyataan dalam sebuah dokumen bersama penyerahan dokumentasi perusahaan tersebut. “Hari ini, komunitas kami telah mengalami kemajuan baru”.

“Facebook sebenarnya tidak untuk diwujudkan menjadi sebuah perusahaan. Facebook dibangun untuk memenuhi misi social – untuk membuat dunia lebih terbuka dan terhubung”, demikian pernyataan tertulis Zuckerberg. “Kami pikir dunia yang lebih terbuka dan terhubung akan membuat ekonomi menjadi semakin kuat dengan bisnis yang otentik untuk membuat produk dan layanan jasa yang lebih baik”.